World’s Most Relaxing Song

There is a song that is scientifically proven to help you calm down, also known as the “world’s most relaxing song“. The song is “Weightless” by Marconi Union, created in collaboration with sound therapists. It uses specific rhythms, deep bass tones, frequencies, and intervals that are very calming.

What Research Says

In different research studies (1 & 2), researchers used the following parameters to measure stress physiologically:

  • Heart rate: When you’re in a relaxed state, your body tends to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can lower your heart rate. So a lower heart rate might indicate you are more relaxed.
  • Respiration rate: The slower and steadier the respiration, the more relaxed the person is considered to be.
  • Skin conductance (EDA): measures stress and excitation levels in the body. The higher the EDA, the higher the stress response.

In the end, it was found to be an effective tool to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps to slow down your heart and respiratory rate.

How to use the World’s Most Relaxing Song

How can you use the world’s most relaxing song as an effective coping strategy?

  • Bring headphones with you. If you feel like anxiety is suddenly starting to kick in, try to excuse yourself and go to a private space such as the bathroom. You can then hear the song while counting your breaths in order to calm down.
  • Create a playlist made specifically to calm you down, or help you relax. This playlist can be part of your coping toolbox.
  • Before going into a stressful situation, such as an exam, listen to the song during your commute or while waiting before starting your exam.
  • Listen to the song before you go to sleep to help you fall asleep faster and relax.


However, the world’s most relaxing song still has some limitations:

  • It might not work for everyone.
  • Its effects are probably not going to be strong. It might not help you to completely calm down.
  • The song is not a replacement for medical treatment or therapy, but rather a tool you can try to use to better cope with anxiety and stress.


(1) Shepherd, D., Hautus, M. J., …, & Landon, J. (2022). “The most relaxing song in the world”? A comparative study, Volume 51, Issue 1.

(2) Mindlab. (2019). Mindlab Report – Weightless Radox Spa. Retrieved from


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