Tag: Health

  • 18 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

    18 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

    Journaling can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Discover a comprehensive list of journal prompts for anxiety designed to help you reduce anxiety and promote self-reflection and growth. Why Journaling is Good for You Journaling is a healthy coping mechanism, which offers multiple health benefits (1). Journaling can help you relieve stress and anxiety.…

  • 28 Distraction Techniques for Anxiety

    28 Distraction Techniques for Anxiety

    Sometimes, when we have lots of intrusive thoughts, we try to think our way out of them. However, that doesn’t always seem to work. Distraction techniques for anxiety can be a way to get some distance from our thoughts and realize that they are just thoughts – not truths about ourselves or the world. If…

  • How to Cry (Effectively)

    How to Cry (Effectively)

    Did you know that there are actually different types of tears? And that tears have multiple health benefits, as well as being a healthy way to express your emotions? Learning how to cry effectively can be a helpful tool for emotional release and catharsis. Discover techniques and tips on how to cry effectively and let…

  • Grounding Techniques for Anxiety PDF: A Simple Guide for Beginners

    Grounding Techniques for Anxiety PDF: A Simple Guide for Beginners

    Anxiety can bring with it overthinking or intrusive thoughts. But now, enter Grounding Techniques: techniques that help you lower your anxiety by bringing your focus and awareness to the present moment. These techniques are efficient, available anytime and anywhere, and free. Download our Grounding Techniques for Anxiety PDF Guide to discover effective strategies to help manage…

  • The 5 Second Rule Summary

    The 5 Second Rule Summary

    “The 5 Second Rule” is a self-help book by Mel Robbins that presents a simple yet powerful concept for overcoming hesitation and taking action. In The 5 Second Rule Summary, we explore the key insights and strategies from the book to help you transform your life and overcome obstacles. Key Takeaways Habit-building is important to…

  • Hot Showers For Anxiety: Is There Scientific Evidence?

    Hot Showers For Anxiety: Is There Scientific Evidence?

    Can a hot shower help ease anxiety? Find out if there is scientific evidence to support hot showers for anxiety and discover other potential benefits of hot showers for anxiety relief. Disclaimer: Please do not take the following information as advice, as this information does not replace the need for a medical doctor or a…

  • World’s Most Relaxing Song

    World’s Most Relaxing Song

    There is a song that is scientifically proven to help you calm down, also known as the “world’s most relaxing song“. The song is “Weightless” by Marconi Union, created in collaboration with sound therapists. It uses specific rhythms, deep bass tones, frequencies, and intervals that are very calming. What Research Says In different research studies…

  • Notion for Mental Health

    Notion for Mental Health

    Notion is a mobile and web application designed to help you organize everything you want (for free). Keep reading if you want to know more about how you can use Notion to improve your mental health. What is Notion, and How Can It Improve Your Mental Health? Notion is a mobile and web application with…

  • Caffeine & Anxiety

    Caffeine & Anxiety

    Discover the relationship between caffeine and anxiety, including how caffeine affects anxiety levels and strategies for managing anxiety while still enjoying your favorite caffeinated beverages. The Relationship Between Caffeine and Anxiety Caffeine is not necessarily bad and might even offer benefits in moderate doses, however, it is not for everyone.  According to Medical News Today,…

  • Breaking off Bad Habits

    Breaking off Bad Habits

    In cognitive-behavioral therapy, it is said that most of our thinking is done out of habit, including most of our negative thoughts. While there is nothing bad in occasionally having negative thoughts, recurrent and irrational negative thoughts can become really harmful (also called cognitive distortions). Atomic Habits The book ‘Atomic Habits‘ by James Clear is…

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