How to Cry (Effectively)

Did you know that there are actually different types of tears? And that tears have multiple health benefits, as well as being a healthy way to express your emotions? Learning how to cry effectively can be a helpful tool for emotional release and catharsis. Discover techniques and tips on how to cry effectively and let out your emotions in a healthy way.

Why crying is good for you

Did you know there are actually different types of tears? There are actually 3 different types of tears:

  • Reflex tears: to clear debris like smoke from your eyes
  • Continuous tears: to lubricate your eyes
  • Emotional tears

Crying also offers multiple health benefits. Crying serves two categories of functions (1):

  • Crying that has effects for the individual him/herself
  • And, crying that concerns the effects on other people

Some of the benefits of crying include:

  • Promotes empathy and protection from others, helps you get support from others
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Soothes you
  • Crying for long periods of time releases oxytocin, which can help ease emotional and physical pain

There are several benefits that make a good case for crying.

Prejudices against crying

Society can tell you that crying is for the weaker. However, crying can be a very good way of expressing your emotions and letting it all out. It can be a form of self expression. Especially hard for men, as they are told that not all men cry. However, we all cry (or well, almost everyone).

Other people might tell you that you are crying to get attention. Sometimes, I even feel that when I’m crying in the privacy of my room, I am doing it for attention or to create a cool personal narrative. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be dramatic alone.

Crying techniques

Okay, we will give you some tips to cry.

  • Drink water after crying; otherwise, you might get a headache afterwards.
  • Do you want to cry alone? Get some privacy. There is nothing worse than needing to cry but feeling completely exposed. If you find yourself crying in public, try to excuse yourself and go to a more private area, like the bathroom. You could try to put some water in your face, count you breaths and follow your breathing to help you calm down.
  • If you are a proud crier, it might be useful to have tissues at hand.
  • Make sure you are comfortable. Are you warm? Get some blankets. If you are not emotionally comfortable, you might as well be physically comfortable.
  • Always cry for a few hours before making an important decision. It can help you avoid emotionally impulsive decisions and have a clearer state of mind. It is always better also to get a good night’s sleep or at least take a nap.

“What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calls for tears?”

Seneca the Younger
  • Watching a very sad movie. Personally, I also enjoy watching films about sad themes or individuals in situations similar to mine. I have a dedicated “sad movie scenes playlist” that I specifically use for this purpose.
  • If you feel like it, cry on the floor lying down. Like you cannot get any lower than that. Falling to the floor, crying. It is a tragedy. It can feel good to be a little dramatic.
  • Crying comfortably in your bed, with a blanket, always makes things better for some reason (especially during winter or when it’s very cold). If you’re in a hotter climate, perhaps try using a white sheet instead.
  • Crying in the shower. Hey, at least it will wash away your tears. It can also good place to find some privacy if you cannot get it in your room. If I am feeling dramatic, I also like to sit on the floor to cry. Taking a shower can help you calm down or distract you from the fact that you are feeling very sad. You can even wash your hair while you’re at it.
  • Watch telenovelas because I feel like they are really over the top and dramatic. They also cry and act extra. Sometimes, you really need to feel extra. They tend to cry and scream, and you can really feel the pain.
  • Crying while you go walking to the park. If you feel like being the main character, you will, however, be more exposed, particularly if you cry on the bench in front of people.
  • Listen to very sad songs. You can have a personally curated playlist.
  • Write down what you are feeling (or other forms of self-expression).
  • Accompany crying with screaming. It can also be good to really let it all out. Only make sure you are alone or at least that you are not bothering anyone.
  • Eat chocolate (in moderate quantities). The best option is dark chocolate, as it also offers numerous health benefits.
  • Prepare a comforting drink, such as a tea or a hot chocolate. It can also be a way to stay hydrated after crying.
  • Chop some onions. That way, your crying will not be in vain.
  • Cry while watching a sad movie with a box of tissues.
  • Hug a teddy bear.
  • Get a hug. Sometimes that is all you need.
  • Hold your fists together and scream, or gently ask the sky (or the ceiling), “Why?” asking why they chose you to have this much suffering.

Tips to Stop Crying

What if I don’t feel like crying anymore?

  • Take a shower and change all of your clothes, including your socks and underwear.
  • Turn on something distracting. Try the YouTube channel “Daily Dose of Internet“.
  • Try meditating, such as the noting meditation.
  • Put some water on your face.
  • Watch some memes to make you laugh.
  • Make someone tickle you.
  • You can even use some distraction techniques.
  • Try relaxing your facial muscles
  • Realize that crying can be kind of ridiculous. Read this Richard Siken quote.

“Eventually something you love is going to be taken away. And then you will fall to the floor crying. And then, however much later, it is finally happening to you: you’re falling to the floor crying thinking, “I am falling to the floor crying”, but there’s an element of the ridiculous to it- you knew it would happen and, even worse, while you’re on the floor crying you look at the place where the fall meets the floor and ou realise you didn’t paint it very well.”

Richard Siken

Excessive crying

However, crying can sometimes start to interfere with your daily activities. Sometimes you might even start crying with no particular reason or you can’t really figure out why. This is time when it is time to contact a doctor, as there can be different reasons for uncontrollably crying.


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