Chat GPT & Cognitive Distortions

Discover how Chat GPT can help identify and address cognitive distortions, or irrational thinking patterns, through a conversational approach. Learn how to recognize and challenge these distortions for improved mental well-being.

Cognitive distortions

We discussed how we have irrational and negative thought patterns that lead to inaccurate perceptions of reality and negative emotions: cognitive distortions.

However, sometimes we become so convinced that there are no other alternatives to what we are thinking, that it becomes hard to identify which cognitive distortion it is or to think of other possibilities.

So, how can you use Chat GPT to help you identify and address cognitive distortions?

ChatGPT and cognitive distortions

When you identify a negative thought or emotion that arises after a situation, follow this approach:

  1. Open ChatGPT
  2. Explain the situation and the negative thought or emotion to ChatGPT.
  3. Ask it to identify which cognitive distortion it thinks it is.
  4. Ask if it can imagine other possible scenarios or explanations.

Here is an example:

Prompting Chat GPT for Cognitive Distortions

This can be useful for your diary keeping of cognitive distortions. 


However, this method has some limitations.

According to itself, ChatGPT might “produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts”. It is also a language learning model, so it is not qualified to give you mental health advice, so use at your own discretion. If you need some serious help, it always best to contact a doctor or therapist because they can give you best advice. It is important to evaluate the credibility of the information provided by ChatGPT and cross-referencing it with other sources.

Also, even though it might be useful to get help from ChatGPT, remember it is important to develop self-awareness and critical thinking skills. ChatGPT might be good to give you some ideas and help you train your mind, but these are really important skills you should develop (with some time) by yourself.

Some tips to avoid relying on ChatGPT:

  • Don’t rely exclusively on ChatGPT to identify the cognitive distortions and come up with alternative explanations. Try to think them yourself, and in case of need you can use it.
  • Be patient. Maybe you won’t come up with an alternative solution immediately, but if you take your time you can come up with them by yourself.
  • Say your thoughts aloud. It can help you realize in what ways your thoughts may be irrational as you become more self-aware of them.

Diary Keeping for Cognitive Distortions – Free Resource

Know that you learned this trick to identify cognitive distortions, it’s time to keep a diary.

Cognitive Distortions Tracker – Notion Template

Manage your cognitive distortions with our “Cognitive Distortion Tracker”. This Notion template helps you to record your cognitive distortions, categorize them, and delve into analyzing patterns that influence your thinking. Monitor negative thought patterns and work towards healthier thinking habits.

Cognitive distortions tracker notion template


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