Category: Uncategorized

  • Breaking off Bad Habits

    Breaking off Bad Habits

    In cognitive-behavioral therapy, it is said that most of our thinking is done out of habit, including most of our negative thoughts. While there is nothing bad in occasionally having negative thoughts, recurrent and irrational negative thoughts can become really harmful (also called cognitive distortions). Atomic Habits The book ‘Atomic Habits‘ by James Clear is…

  • Chat GPT & Cognitive Distortions

    Chat GPT & Cognitive Distortions

    Discover how Chat GPT can help identify and address cognitive distortions, or irrational thinking patterns, through a conversational approach. Learn how to recognize and challenge these distortions for improved mental well-being. Cognitive distortions We discussed how we have irrational and negative thought patterns that lead to inaccurate perceptions of reality and negative emotions: cognitive distortions. However,…

  • Cognitive Distortions: Step by Step Guide

    Cognitive Distortions: Step by Step Guide

    Identifying cognitive distortions (irrational and negative thoughts) is one of the most important skills one learns in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Here, I’ll explain in more detail what cognitive distortions are, give you a list of cognitive distortions with examples, and provide tricks and tips on how to identify and counter them. What are cognitive…

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