Category: Lifestyle changes

  • The 5 Second Rule Summary

    The 5 Second Rule Summary

    “The 5 Second Rule” is a self-help book by Mel Robbins that presents a simple yet powerful concept for overcoming hesitation and taking action. In The 5 Second Rule Summary, we explore the key insights and strategies from the book to help you transform your life and overcome obstacles. Key Takeaways Habit-building is important to…

  • Caffeine & Anxiety

    Caffeine & Anxiety

    Discover the relationship between caffeine and anxiety, including how caffeine affects anxiety levels and strategies for managing anxiety while still enjoying your favorite caffeinated beverages. The Relationship Between Caffeine and Anxiety Caffeine is not necessarily bad and might even offer benefits in moderate doses, however, it is not for everyone.  According to Medical News Today,…

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