Category: Lifestyle changes

  • Cold Showers For Anxiety: What Evidence Do We Have?

    Cold Showers For Anxiety: What Evidence Do We Have?

    Explore the benefits of using cold showers for anxiety and stress. Learn how incorporating this simple practice into your routine can help calm your mind and improve your overall well-being. Cold Showers For Anxiety: What Evidence Do We Have? Limited Evidence for Cold Showers for Anxiety According to a study (1), Adapted Cold Showers were…

  • Anxiety and Body Posture: Practical Guide

    Anxiety and Body Posture: Practical Guide

    Anxiety can have a noticeable impact on body posture. This article explores the relationship between anxiety and body posture, and provides tips for improving posture to reduce anxiety symptoms. The Relationship Between Anxiety and Body Posture According to this study (1), using power postures or neutral postures decreased anxiety symptoms in the short term. The…

  • Self Care Sunday: How to Do It Right

    Self Care Sunday: How to Do It Right

    Self care Sunday is a day dedicated to taking care of yourself and recharging for the week ahead. Discover ideas and tips for creating your own self-care Sunday routine and prioritizing your well-being. How to Plan Self Care Sunday The basic idea behind self-care Sunday is to dedicate a specific day of the week for…

  • Tidy House Tidy Mind

    Tidy House Tidy Mind

    Did you know about the link between a cluttered space and anxiety? This is what we call “Tidy House Tidy Mind”. In this guide I will walk you through the relationship between being tidy and anxiety, how to create your system to stay tidy during the long term, and also some practical tips to help…

  • 30 Day Anxiety Challenge

    30 Day Anxiety Challenge

    The 30 Day Anxiety Challenge is a program designed to help individuals discover new anxiety coping techniques and healthier habits. Join the challenge to learn new coping strategies and for better anxiety management. The 30 Day Anxiety Challenge Each day, complete the activity described in the 30 Day Anxiety Challenge. You have access to different…

  • Anxiety Self Care Checklist (+Free Printable Checklist)

    Anxiety Self Care Checklist (+Free Printable Checklist)

    Self-care is important for your overall well-being and to manage anxiety. But, self-care is not always an easy task. This anxiety self care checklist provides helpful strategies and techniques to incorporate into your daily routine to reduce anxiety and promote self-care. Anxiety Self Care Checklist Enjoy Take care of your body Taking care of your…

  • How to Stop Being Irritated Toolkit

    How to Stop Being Irritated Toolkit

    Feeling constantly irritated?. This toolkit will give you some general advice on how to stop being irritated, how to identify your triggers, and help you create coping techniques to help you get through this irritating moment. Discover practical tips and strategies to manage irritability and improve your overall well-being. Why we get irritated People have…

  • The Ultimate Guide on How to Drink More Water

    The Ultimate Guide on How to Drink More Water

    We all know that drinking enough water is very good for us. We also know that most of us don’t drink enough water (drinking enough water can be a very difficult task for some reason). Personally, I don’t want people telling me I need to drink enough water, but I want people to actually give…

  • The Mindless Habits that Cause Anxiety (And How to Fix Them)

    The Mindless Habits that Cause Anxiety (And How to Fix Them)

    Sometimes, when trying to find out what is causing our anxiety, we come to realize that actually, it’s all the tiny things we do in our daily habits that are triggering it: the mindless habits that cause anxiety. Discover these habits and learn strategies to break free from them for a more peaceful mind. The…

  • 18 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

    18 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

    Journaling can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Discover a comprehensive list of journal prompts for anxiety designed to help you reduce anxiety and promote self-reflection and growth. Why Journaling is Good for You Journaling is a healthy coping mechanism, which offers multiple health benefits (1). Journaling can help you relieve stress and anxiety.…

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