Breaking off Bad Habits

In cognitive-behavioral therapy, it is said that most of our thinking is done out of habit, including most of our negative thoughts. While there is nothing bad in occasionally having negative thoughts, recurrent and irrational negative thoughts can become really harmful (also called cognitive distortions).

Atomic Habits

The book ‘Atomic Habits‘ by James Clear is one of my favorite books ever. The book explains in detail the science behind effective habit building, why habits are so important, how to establish good habits and how to break off bad ones.

So, here are some of my takeaways from the book (1) that I feel can be used to break the pattern of negative thinking:

  • First and foremost, awareness is key to breaking a bad habit. Two strategies I use are:
    • Diary keeping for negative thoughts/cognitive distortions
    • Saying aloud what we are thinking. When we say aloud what we are thinking, it makes us more accountable and can help us see that sometimes what we are thinking about ourselves can be irrational, exaggerated, or even very cruel.
  • Cut bad habits at the source.
    • Identify through the diary situations or patterns that seem to trigger you.
    • If some are avoidable, try to reduce or eliminate exposure. For example, an exam can trigger anxiety, but that does not mean you should leave school or skip exams. However, if you notice that social media triggers you, you can try to uninstall some apps.
  • Find someone you can hold yourself accountable to. For me, this is mostly my therapist because if I feel like I’m falling into a vicious cycle of negative thoughts, she will call me out on that.

I really encourage you to read the book; maybe you will find more insights that can be applicable to you.

Anxiety Habit Worksheet

Anxiety Habit Worksheet – Notion template

Supercharge Your Habit Transformation! 🚀

Ready to conquer those anxiety-inducing habits? Our “Anxiety Habits Worksheet” is here to help! 🌟

🔍 What’s Inside:

📌 Step 1 – Assess Your Habits: Begin your journey by understanding your current habits, both the good and the not-so-good. 📝

🚦 Step 2 – Brainstorm Ideas: Brainstorm new strategies to improve your habits and create better systems for the long-term.

🛠️ Step 3 – Create Your System: Turn your ideas into action: Build a robust system and a concrete plan to implement your habit transformation.

📊 Step 4 – Keep Track: Tracking your progress is key. We’ve got you covered with habit tracking tools and tips. Stay accountable and watch the transformation happen. 📈

🔄 Step 5 – Refine Your Systems: Embrace the power of continuous improvement. Refine your systems and upgrade your habits for lasting change. 🔄

Ready to take the first step? Get started today and improve your habits now! 🎯

Additional Readings & Resources

  • Check out the Mindless habits that cause anxiety, where we go more in depth about the different habits that contribute to our anxiety, and how to actually create systems to establish better long term habits.


(1) Clear, J. (2018). Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Random House.


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