Designing an Anxiety Travel Kit: Step-by-Step

An anxiety travel kit is a collection of essential items and strategies designed to help individuals manage anxiety while traveling. Discover what to include in an anxiety travel kit to make your journeys more enjoyable and stress-free.

What is an Anxiety Travel Kit?

An anxiety kit, often referred to as an anxiety relief kit, is a collection of items and tools to help you manage symptoms of anxiety. The contents of an anxiety kit can vary based on personal preferences and what works best for the individual, but the overall goal is to provide a portable and easily accessible set of resources to help cope with anxiety in different situations.

Anxiety kits can be physical, consisting of tangible items that individuals can carry with them, or they can be digital, stored on a device like a smartphone or tablet.

Anxiety Travel Kit Tote Bag

Ideas for an Anxiety Travel Kit

It is important to personalize your travel kit according to your specific needs. It is also about trial and error, so if you feel like this time you missed an item, write it down so you can bring it next time. Here are some ideas to include in your personal travel kit:

  • Comfort objects, such as a weighted blanket.
  • Charged phone, in case you need to message a person for support or to call your therapist in case of need. You might also want to bring with you a portable battery, so you can always access resources you have on your phone. Also, don’t forget to download those resources, in case you don’t have internet connection or yours fails.
  • Tools you use for coping, such as
    • Earphones for guided meditations or relaxing music
    • A notebook and a pen to journal
    • A sketchbook to draw or doodle
    • Your favorite book
    • Anchor objects to use to stay grounded when using Anxiety Grounding Techniques, such as photographs, aromatherapy tools (like essential oils) or chewing gum.
    • Affirmation/reminder cards with statements that help you to calm down
    • Coloring books
    • Resources such as worksheets, printable sheets and pdfs, guides, such as our Thought Stopping Techniques Free PDF Guide or 99 Coping Skills PDF.
  • Sports clothes and shoes in case you want to do some sports or go for a run.
  • Clothes that make you comfortable (that are not tight and that allow you to breathe)
  • A reusable water bottle to stay hydrated
  • A healthy snack
  • Medications or supplements (if you are taking any)
  • A first aid kit
  • Noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs

Extra Tips for Your Trip

As the popular saying goes, “Prevention is better than the cure”.

  • Double print all your documentation and important papers.
  • Establish a plan to get the support or help you might need. For example, talking to your therapist the day before.
  • Create a checklist in advance to not forget anything
  • Bring cash for emergencies
  • Get traveler’s insurance
  • Download google maps in case you don’t have internet connection later on


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